Saturday, February 10, 2007


This is the Calvin and Hobbes blog dedicated to you. Comic Strip every week. Like right now. Counter is below...........


El Person said...

That's proof that they live east of Arizona.

Garbanzo Madasinavathapudi said...

yeah its proof

Garbanzo Madasinavathapudi said...

No wait
that's not right
they live west of arizona because they are talking about the sun setting in the west and rising in the east and he is questioning that
I think they live in LA

El Person said...

No, no, NO!!!

If the sun set in the west, that would mean it set west of them. Since Arizona would be to the west of them, it would mean that they would be east of Arizona, not west.

LA? Are you out of your mind! How can they live in LA when the Decmeber-March strips depict snow daily? Wikipedia has lots of evidence that they actually live in Chagrin Falls, OH.

Aved said...

These are comments not a chatroom!
Oh well

Garbanzo Madasinavathapudi said...

Fine, they could live wherever
you just don't get a joke do you?
they could live wherever they want, as long as I can blabber senslessly about it
By the way, aved, why don't you allow anonymous comments? I could be karate chop chop